We hit the road. Lucy is now at the point where she can sit in the stroller sans carseat, which has really increased our mobility...within a 4 block radius of our house:)
Lucy chillaxing at the coffee shop. She prefers the red velvet couch, a cigarette, and a double espresso.
Aaaand this is where our little coffee shop trip became a MAJOR LIFE EVENT. Maddie generally rides a pretty sweet sugar high the whole way home from the coffee shop, as she typically enjoys a very large scone. So the walk home is typically a series of jumps and exclamations such as "I jumping! I lookie bofe ways before I cwoss da steet!" Maddie's amazing jumping skills unfortunately left her for a moment, resulting in a fall on the sidewalk and her first scraped knee. Luckily this happened just a few steps (or jumps, depending on how you look at it) from our house. She was understandably upset, but also pretty fascinated by the whole process.
Perhaps the most disturbing part of the whole experience for Maddie was when Mommy stopped comforting and nursing to, you know, snap a few quick photos. She looked at my like, "Hey you crazy idiot, stop messing around with the camera and tend to this hydrogen peroxide crap that's bubbling all over my leg!"
All better! There is little in a 2 year old's life that is not completely resolved by a few Toy Story bandaids! Maddie really was very brave about the whole thing, and seemed mostly interested in the blood and dirt...and the fact that she gets candy and stickers for falling on the sidewalk. I'm sure I'll pay for this at some point:)
I'm so glad Lucy likes the coffee shop too! And tell Maddie that she's a very brave girl. That one picture where she looks horrified is sadly hilarious!